Good Luck SMS
Wishing Good luck is a gesture of love and care. It is a way to show that you wish that the person excels in whatever work he opts for. Than wait no more and chose from our collection of Good Luck SMS to show your concern and love. You can chose from our Exam Good Luck SMS, Good Luck SMS sayings, Cute Good Luck SMS, Love Good Luck SMS, Job Good Luck SMS, New Year Good Luck SMS. Good Luck wishes, quotes and so much more.
when life is challenge "accept it" when
when life is challenge "accept it" when life is problem "solve it" when life is game "play it" But Remember….. Life is what you can make it.
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, th
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. Good Day!
Every second God remembers you,
Every second God remembers you,
Every minute God bless you,
Every hour God cares for you because…
Every day I pray God to take care of U.
A Wish 4 U
A Wish 4 U
May God Grant you always a sun beam to warm U, A moon beam to charm U, A sheletering Angel so nothing can Harm U, Laughter to cheer U, Faithful friends near U and whenever U pray Heavens to hear U
when life is challenge "accept it" when
when life is challenge "accept it" when life is problem "solve it" when life is game "play it" But Remember….. Life is what you can make it.